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Cordelia forneceu:

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Olá, Eu sou Cordelia

  • Mora em Los Angeles, EUA
  • Fala Inglês
  • Concierge Friend: 12.0 / hora
  • Amigo Virtual: 25.0 / hora


There’s a lot about me! I’m not quite sure where to start! I’m a LA native, I know almost the whole entire city! I love going to parks, museums, cafes, and anywhere I can be myself! I love making new friends, I think everyone has the potential to be a friend :D I went to college for fine art! And I was in cosmetology school for a bit! But my true passion is reading tarot! Also if you can’t tell I LOVE exclamation points lol


Local Friend Beginner
Local Friend Beginner


LGBT Arte e Fotografia Familia e Filhos Gastronomia Compras Locais Musica e Vida Norturna Bem estar e Natureza