El Páramo de Sumapaz is the largest moor in the world

Local Friend: Hada

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  • Bogot

About Hada

I am an actress and businesswoman who lives in a house car around the world! I started working for Nat-Geo and decided to continue traveling! I have many friends in the world and if I don't have them I get them with friends of friends! http://seecolombia.travel/blog/2016/10/lonely-planet-names-colombia-2nd-best-country-to-visit-in-2017/

About El páramo de Sumapaz

"If you had the opportunity to see the documentary 'Colombia Magia Salvaje', you will not only have realized that the capital is the protagonist of the country's natural wealth, but that it is fortunate also by the pure water that get to us through these ecosytems. A factory of life that is worth knowing to appreciate what it means to have the joy of living in Bogota. "