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  • Passport ID
  • Correo Electronico
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Hola, yo soy Naiana

  • Vivir en Niteroi, Brasil
  • Habla Portugués, Inglés
  • Concierge Friend: 25.0 / hora
  • Amigo virtual: 40.0 / hora

Acerca de

I am a happy, outgoing and full of life person. As the architecture professional, already designed and built several works, and now work as technical and environmental expert performing autovistorias by the Rio de Janeiro and Niterói City. Visit my website: www.pontolegalvistorias.com.br and learn more about my career. As a professional musician, has performed many concerts and participated in festivals where I was winning. I held the position of Cultural Production in Municipal Culture of Niterói, as I held the post of Architect in the District Municipality of Itaipu - Oceanic Region of Niterói - the Municipal Planning Department of Niterói. I know every detail of my hometown (Niterói) and know very well the City of Rio de Janeiro. I live near the Serra da Tiririca, one of the ways of Darwin, a rural place near the city of Niterói center and close to the mountains (and the most important Haras of the State of Rio de Janeiro) and at the same time, close to beautiful beaches Ocean Region (Itacoatiara, Itaipu, Piratininga and Caboinhas) of Niterói.

Concierge Friend Presentación


Local Friend Guru
Local Friend Guru


Arte y fotografía Familia y niños Gastronomia Compras locales Desportes y aire libre Bienestar y naturaleza